On His Time in TNA:
It’s been insane the whole time. I came straight in and got to do cool things. I got to tag with Austin Aries; I got to wrestle Zema Ion for the X Division Championship. And then inexplicably, everything kind of slowed. You didn’t see me for a while. And then almost like I was shot out of a cannon, I was in a feud with Rob Van Dam and then I’m X Division Champion. I couldn’t have written this better. The guy who couldn’t win a match with TNA in 2006 is X Division Champion. It’s been a great ride.
On The New X-Division Format:
It’s a challenge. It’s definitely a challenge to have to face two guys. Whenever you have two X Division guys, I feel like that poses a challenge even more. You have guys that are every bit as athletic and fast as you are. It comes from so many different areas. You’ve got guys like Petey Williams, Chris Sabin, Sonjay [Dutt], and Zema. They’re veterans and have been doing this for such a long time. It’s definitely a challenge to try to keep the belt. It guarantees that the fans will see the type of action that they love from the X Division because if two guys are going to tear it down, then you know three guys are.
On His Ultimate X Match At SLammiversary:
Those are two completely different types of guys and completely different styles. Chris Sabin is arguably one of the greatest X Division competitors that TNA has ever seen. He’s been around since the very beginning [and] he’s won the belt multiple times. He’s won the Tag Team titles multiple times. Sabin’s no slouch. I obviously made fun of Chris Sabin on [television] but the bottom line is that anyone who can come back from not one but two ACL surgeries is a tough guy who doesn’t know how to quit. He’s a dangerous guy. It’s not Chris’s first dance and I’m sure he’s done his scouting on me. Chris is going to be gunning and I would say he has a lot more to prove than me or Suicide. Having a lot to prove makes him a dangerous guy. Kenny King (image courtesy of Impact Wrestling) Suicide, on the other hand, is unpredictable. He’s crazy. You don’t have a name like Suicide if you have any kind of regard for your body. The things that he brings to the matches are the unorthodox and wildness. The type of stuff the X Division is prepared for. It’s hard to prepare for that kind of guy because you never know what he’s going to do. I watch film on my opponents but I never really worry too much about changing my stuff. They’ll adapt to me.