Just to recap for those who may have missed it last week with all the news – here are some notes on the current writing team structure in WWE:
* Stephanie McMahon is described as having a more minimized role.
* Brian “Road Dogg” James is now part of the creative team.
* Michael Hayes remains part of the creative process, but isn’t in the office as much and takes part in conference calls during major meetings.
* David “Ranjin Singh” Kapoor’s role has changed in that he delegates the work load to the writers after Vince McMahon makes any changes and works closely with TV, App and web people. This was described as more of a “show runner” position.
* Ed Koskey is now the lead writer for RAW.
* Ryan Ward (who was the writer for NXT) is now the lead writer of SmackDown.
* Of course, Vince McMahon makes the final decision and approves everything.