RF VIDEO presents our most emotional shootinterview of all time with Tammy Sytch as she comes clean about a variety of her personal problems over the past few months that finally has come to a head. Tammy Sytch is known as the very first Diva of the WWE to many wrestling fans, but at times her out of control life style over shadows what she has accomplished in the ring. Tammy contacted RF VIDEO to do this very emotional interview just 15 hours before she is entering rehab because of her almost 22 year history with our company.
We started off doing a pre interview with Tammy while she was putting on her make up for this interview. We talked about some lighter subjects like her twitter war with Reby Sky and her feelings on her. We also talked about Tammy’s Amazon wish list and you will be shocked as we were on how many people buy her stuff.
Then Tammy sat down with us on a very personal level and gave us a very open hearted interview on how she is going to head to rehab so she can be on the path to recovery. We talk with Tammy about what happened over the last 48 hours which landed her into the ER at midnight after she nearly consumed 2 gallons of Vodka. We talk about her depression problems from Chris Candido passing away at a young age to some of her feelings due to the untimely passing of her family members. We take a look back in her past to the first time she consumed a drink and how as time went on she got into other substances that she abused. She talks very openly about her use of drugs in wrestling and how she abused her body and what lead to her finally going into rehab before this time around and what caused her to slip off the wagon while she was only two weeks into her program.
This is a very emotional interview that saw Tammy break down as she let all of her demons out to air, as she really felt like doing this interview was step one for her recovery. We asked her about missing bookings or showing up at bookings and not leaving her hotel room because of her demons. The subject matter during the first hour of the interview is very intense.
We also wanted to clear the air finally of all of the rumors that has been said about her and she has heard all of them. Did she sleep with Bret Hart? Did she really offer sexual favors for pills from Sabu? What was the deal with her and Hack Myers? DId she cheat on Chris Candido which is one thing that many of the guys in the business has accused her for years of doing. She finally gives her side of the story on that and talks about various rumors addressing just that.
We talk about her internet Facebook status changes from being in a relationship to being engaged every other day, she talks about her ex BF and why it went public and how he allegedly was abusive to her. We asked her about what New Jack had said about hiring him as a hitman.
We talk a lot about her return to WWE for the HOF and Wrestlemania Battle Royal in 2009. What was John Cena and Randy Orton like to her? Why did Cody Rhodes avoid her backstage? Talks about why she turned down PlayBoy and if she regrets it.
We also asked her one question that needed to be asked is how her BF can trust her with all the rumors out there about her sexual past and Tammy gives a great answer that I think will quiet down her haters. You will hear about her run in ROH that was cut short and why she never liked to wrestle in the ring.
Some of the most shocking details of the interview is when Tammy talks about worshipping Marylyn Monroe, and how she used to look at herself in the mirror and tell herself that she would never live past 36 because she wanted to basically go out like her idol. She reveals a lot of stuff regarding drugs which were never discussed before like her drug runs into Mexico during the 90′s to get pills, girls that disrespected her, why she will never work for TNA, where would Chris Candido fit into wrestling in 2012, and her take on the Montreal screw job.
The interview also gives advice to anyone suffering from a substance problem as Tammy tells them what they should do as she discusses what made her flip the switch and see the light. Thisinterview was more or less a intervention and we really hit Tammy with some hard hitting questions. Just for the record we asked Tammy at least 4 times if she wanted to do this interviewas we did not want to exploit her and she wanted to do this for her health. We ask her at least 3 times on camera as you will hear what she says for yourself.
When the interview was over, we made one call for her to a friend who had the WWE call her back with in 5 minutes and she is going to get the help that she needs tomorrow when she enters rehab. Lets all pray for her to a speedy recovery so she can get back to her life and possibly start a family which is her main goal right now. Here are the questions that we talked about with Tammy:
What brought you here today
What was the typical week as of late for you…did you drink all week until weekends?
What was the breaking point
How did you end up in the hospital on Friday night
What do you want to happen to you
Are you not scared of dying
Has anyone tried a intervention with you
What do you think is going to happen when you go in
What was your addiction and how long have you been using
Were you clean when you were with your ex bf
What made you fall off the horse
Is life hard for you after Chris passing and do you think the depression causes you to drink?
Do you think you will be able to stay in rehab and come out clean and stay clean
Is the business a bad place to be for someone with demons
What happened over the last few months at conventions when you would get sick from obvious substances and not make your appearances?
Was your Facebook status a cry for help
If you don’t go to rehab what do you think will happen to you? Death?
You are trying to have kids now from what I understand you cant do this to yourself
Are you scared to be alone
What happened with you and your ex did you beat you?
Was it true you asked New Jack to kill him
What was it like doing the HOF for WWE and back on WWE TV
What did you do with all your WWE money
Whats going on with your online feud with Reby Sky
Whats it like going from being the #1 Downloaded girl and 1st Diva to doing Indys, don’t you think you have another major run in the business?
When people hear the name Tammy what do you think they associate yourself with….
I am sure you hear all the stories about you sleeping with various guys over the years do you want to address that?
LA with her BF and went upstairs with another worker
How do you respond to your critics who say you treated Chris wrong
What girls do you have respect for right now in the business
What was it like doing those ROH shots in NY
What girls show you no respect when they share a locker room with you?
What is the biggest misconception about Tammy Sytch
Do you have any advice to anyone who might have addiction problems
There were always stories of Tammy and somas and you came clean about them in the past….what about all the rumors that went around with you and Sabu..Hack Myers and various other guys….
You have been in the business long enough and have seen to many people pass away, is there ever a time where you look at yourself in the mirror and you ask yourself am I one of those people…am I going down that dark path…
Has any worker ever really tried to help you and take you in a empty room and tell you that you have a problem?